Les ressources suivantes sont toutes libres d’accès, gratuites et en langue anglaise.
Liens vers des visites virtuelles de musées et de leurs collections :
- Le Louvre in Paris | https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne
- National Women’s History Museum, US | https://www.womenshistory.org/womens-history/online-exhibits
- The Metropolitain Museum of Art, US | https://www.metmuseum.org/art/online-features
This page regroupes all of the museums online features. You can dicover the paintings and sculptures of the various collections that belong to the Museum. You can also vitually visite different exhibition rooms or listen to curators speaking about exhibitions.
Big plus : A feature for children ( 7 to 12 years old) with an interavtive map and behind-the-scenes videos.
Liens vers des visites virtuelles de parcs naturels americains :
- Totally the Bomb | https://totallythebomb.com/heres-33-national-park-tours-you-can-take-virtually-from-the-comfort-of-your-home
You would like to espace your room, flat, ou house ? You can do it virtually by visiting 33 US National Parks thanks to google earth.
Liens vers des livres audio, des films, des cours de langue et plus . . . :
- Open Culture | http://www.openculture.com/
- Free Murder Mystery Games | https://www.thespruce.com/free-murder-mystery-games-1357635
Muder Mystery Games online, some for children, some for adults.
- Smithsonian Museums in Washington | https://www.si.edu/kids/
Online educational games for children, about history, animals, the weather, …
- British Science Museum | https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/games-and-apps
Online games and apps for children.
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